Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Malakoff Rockfestival 2009 - First Batch

It has became a summer tradition for me the be a festival photographer at Malakoff Rockfestival. I think this is my fourth or fifth year. The first couple of years I was trained by a more experienced guy, Anders (can't recall his surname, will come back to that), but now he has left the festival, and I has been the experienced guy. One year I did the job on my own, but that's far beyond recommendable hectic, to shot, edit and upload constantly.

Hopefully last year was the last without a stable crew. This year I asked for help from my "colleges" in Nordfjord Fotoklubb. So now it is time to harvest, and concentrate on having fun.

Every year from the first humble start the festival has grown, and improved in other ways. It's been awarded as best festival from the Norwegian Rock Union twice. The formula has been a relaxed but professional atmosphere, behind and in front of the stage. So I'm rather proud of being a part of the process, making a small but important contribution.

Ok. Enough about me, myself and I ;-)
Let the pictures speak.

Wheel of fortune (a local band from Eid opening the ball)

Samora (another local band from Førde)

Smoke Mohawk

Whats a rock festival without audience? Nothing I'd say.
The guy below is one of my annual motifs. Meet one of my friends, the one and only Kim Hallem.

The cute girls in the front row is what caught my attention.  
Concider the red head behind them as a bonus :-)

Ok. That's it for now. Got plenty of more pictures, but they will have to wait.

Comments appreciated. 


  1. Malakoff er da så mye mer enn det som skjer på scena Tim....Det er bra det som er der for all del, men det er så mye rundt mange ikke tenker på. Folk, fest, detaljer, unger og andre som trenger tilsyn:)
    Men jeg regener med du har det også på lur....

  2. Nei desverre. Ikke så mye i hvert fall. Arbeidsfordelinga ble sånn at jeg holdt meg mye i og rundt grava.

    Neste år håper jeg å få frigjort mer tid til sånt.

    Men Jeanette og Svein har nok noe på lur ;-)

  3. Liktw bildet av han smoke-karen godt eg. Et salig uttrykk, og holder seg stående med hjelp av to mikrofoner. Litt utenom det vanlige ja. Publikumsbildet er også ok, men dei to -tre daffe damene i forgrunnen ødela litt for for deg der ja. Ellers er det heilt greie og mange standard festivalbilder.

  4. Takk for gjenvisitten Øystein.

    Må innrømme at inspirasjonen ikke var helt på topp de første timene. Hadde litt for mye annet i hodet.
    Tok seg opp etterhvert, noe jeg håper neste post vil avspeile.

  5. Masse bra bilder :) Malakoff fotografering var fantastisk ja
